Test Space Cases FormA. All events occurring on campus outside of one’s own classroom or office must utilize this form.B. The Blackbaud SpaceCases Calendar feed AND the employee occupant(s) of the space(s) requested must be consulted for availability before completing this form.C. Approved events will be confirmed in an email to the event coordinator/advisor and added to the internal Blackbaud SpaceCases calendar feed.D. If anyone has questions they can reach out to Alyssa Palmer-Pasquarella at apalmer@mphschool.org.Event AdvisorName (First Last)(Required)Contact Email(Required) Contact Cell Phone Number(Required)Event DetailsName of Event(Required)Date(s) of Event(Required)Start Time of Event(Required)End Time of Event(Required)Anticipated Number of Participants(Required)Space(s) Requesting for Event(Required)GymnasiumDining HallTheaterLibraryPhoenix Student CenterFarmhouse Conference RoomAdministration Wing Conference Room (“The West Wing”)Classroom(s) – Please be specific belowOtherOther Space RequestedSpecific Classroom Details(Required)Consulted Employees Check this box to confirm you have consulted the employee(s) associated with the space(s) requested.External Blackbaud Calendar Feed: In order for your event to be published to the public Blackbaud Calendar and made visible to the whole MPH community, please make sure to complete this section. Add to the external Blackbaud MPH School Events Calendar feed.Contact name and email for eventEvent details to be included in the calendar event descriptionUpload any graphics/advertisements to be included with the calendar eventMax. file size: 50 MB.Materials and Equipment Requesting for EventAre materials and equipment needed for the event?NoYesNumber of tablesNumber of chairsNumber of desk with chairsMicrophone NeededNoYesSpeakers NeededNoYesPodium NeededNoYesVideo Screen NeededNoYesProjector NeededNoYesNumber of Large Garbage CansSports Equipment Needed (access to equipment room is not permitted)NoYesList specific equipmentSet-up needs to be completed by this timeTear-Down can begin at this timeSpace SetupSubmit diagram of space set-upAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.Please submit a diagram if available.Space Clean-upYou are responsible for thoroughly cleaning the space afterward and ensuring that everything is returned to its original condition upon departure.Failure to clean-up after your event may result in additional charges or restrictions on future event approvals.Additional costs will be incurred for any event necessitating clean-up by janitorial services that falls outside of their normal scope and timeframe of work.Please indicate your plans for clean-up after your event(Required) No clean-up needed Clean-up done by responsible party Janitorial services needed, additional costs may incur (TBD)Please indicate your plans for clean-up after your event(Required)Please indicate which budget line any additional costs incurred from ABM Services are to be deducted fromNote: You will be notified if additional clean-up costs are incurred after your eventFoodYou must provide at least 4 weeks advance notice when requesting catering services from the dining hall (CulinArt).Request for Food at EventNoYesNOTE: If any outside catering will be used instead of CulinArt, all food needs to be peanut and tree-nut free.Which budget line will the cost of food come from?Please provide details for catering requestVolunteersRequest for Volunteers at EventNoYesPlease provide details for volunteer requestPlease include any other comments or requests you may have for this event