Committees and Topics
Please direct committee-related questions and position paper and resolution submissions to your committee email. More information on resolutions and position papers are posted here.
Committee: GA
Topic 1: Addressing the Threat of Cyber-Physical Attacks
Topic 2: Managing Cities to Handle Migrants
Committee: ECOSOC
Topic 1: Economic and Social Welfare Recovery Strategy Post-COVID-19 Pandemic
Topic 2: Facilitating the Transition from Manual Labor to Automation
Committee: DISEC
Topic 1: Responding to Civil Unrest
Topic 2: Combating Cartel Violence in Latin America
Committee: WHO
Topic 1: Safety and Ethics Around Infectious Disease Research
Topic 2: Mitigating the Effects of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Globally
Committee: UNEP
Topic 1: Managing Invasive Species
Topic 2: Adverse Effects of Marine Urban Sprawl
Committee: UNICEF
Topic 1: Child Rights in the Judicial System
Topic 2: Reproductive Rights for Youth
Committee: Security Council
Topic 1: Addressing Human Rights Violations in Venezuela
Topic 2: Mitigating Foreign Intervention in Elections
Committee: Council of Baltic Sea States, 2015
Topic 1: Deterring Russian Aggression in the Baltic Region
Topic 2: Environmental Concerns in the Baltic Sea
Committee: Ending the Raj, 1947