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Technology Policy

Manlius Pebble Hill School Technology Policy 2024-2025

Recent research and analysis links cell phone and social media use, with increasing clarity, to negative outcomes for students’ performance, attention, social wellbeing, and mental health. At MPH we recognize and value a school culture and community of meaningful personal connection, and strive always to support the healthy development of our students’ young minds as they navigate proliferating demands on their attention. This policy on student technology use, in line with best practices and current research, is designed with those goals in mind.

Cell Phones/Smart Watches
Student cell phone and smart watch use is not permitted on campus between 8:00 am and 3:05 pm on school days. Students must silence and store their cell phones and smart watches in their backpacks or lockers, not on their person. If a student chooses, they may ask a division head or dean to house their cell phone during the school day. Cell phones may not be out or used at all during the school day except with the express and explicit permission and supervision of an authorized adult, such as a teacher, member of staff, or administrator. For example, at appropriate moments, a student might be given permission to use a phone or watch for reasons that include (but are not limited to) contacting parents to arrange pick up or coordinating with an outside MPH athletics coach. Juniors and Seniors may use cell phones in the college counseling hub as permitted by the Director of College Counseling.

Laptop usage is restricted to academic purposes only from 8:00 am until 3:05 pm. Students shall not engage in social media, gaming, or streaming on their laptops unless they have the express and explicit permission and supervision of an adult. This is true throughout the school day in all spaces, including tutorial, study halls, and hallways.  

Gaming Devices/Other Technology
Any gaming device or other technology used for entertainment is not permitted on campus. 

Earbuds and Headphones 
Earbuds and headphones may be used only with the express and explicit permission and supervision of an authorized adult. 

Video and Photos
Absolutely NO photos or videos of anyone in the school are permitted without explicit and express permission of an authorized adult.

Violations of any part of the MPH tech policy will result in confiscation of the device until the end of the school day. Additional violations can result in the following:

  1. Letter home to parents
  2. For multiple infractions, confiscation of the device from the beginning of the school day until the end of the day, for a period of days
  3. Student Faculty Restorative Committee
  4. In School Suspension
  5. Out of school suspension



Haidt, Jonathan. “End the Phone-Based Childhood Now.” The Atlantic, 2024.

Murthy, Viveck, M.D., Surgeon General’s Advisory on Social Media and Youth Mental Health. Press release, May 23, 2023.