MPH Students Recognized for Written Works
Several of our Middle and Upper School students recently entered the Scholastic Writing Awards Competition and were recognized in our regional event (Northeast Writing Region-at-Large). The Scholastic Writing Awards Competition is sponsored by the same organization that sponsors the Scholastic Art Awards. Between the art and writing submissions, over 330,000 works are submitted by students in grades 7-12 annually. The following is a list of MPH students who were honored along with the designation their work received, the category in which their writing was entered, and the title of their work.
Grade 7
Mathias Deldique, Honorable Mention in the Short Story category: “Memoir of a Soldier”
Grade 8
Eden Hildebrandt, Gold Key* in the Short Story category: “The Last Doll”
Grade 9
Emma Gross, Silver Key in the Short Story category: “The Stars Above Us”
Maya Heimes, Silver Key in the Short Story category: “Elliot”
Grade 12
Carli Arbon, Honorable Mention in the Poetry category: “Bed Time” and “Hands”
We congratulate these students, along with all students who submitted entries, for not only their accomplishments, but their ambition and confidence…evidence of the “MPH Effect!”
*Gold Key works will be judged nationally by a panel of creative–industry experts to receive National Medals.